Naturhus project submitted to Scottish Government


We have concluded our work on the first phase of the Naturhus project and submitted it to the Just Transition Commission of the Scottish Government. The research demonstrated that timber homes, self-built within greenhouse enclosures, could deliver significant sustainability benefits including very low carbon emissions, very low energy needs for heating, access to homegrown, healthy food and resilient, community-centered lifestyles.

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Cross-section through the Naturhus shows food growing and multi-purpose roof spaces.

Cross-section through the Naturhus shows food growing and multi-purpose roof spaces.

Interior of the common spaces at the heart of the building.

Interior of the common spaces at the heart of the building.

Exterior view showing integrated photovoltaic panels and south-facing food-growing areas.

Exterior view showing integrated photovoltaic panels and south-facing food-growing areas.